Archive for the ‘Photos to Share’ Category

Association of Contemplative Sisters

About 15 years ago the Association of Contemplative Sisters, Midwest Cluster, began meeting here at the Monastery.  Sisters Helen and Jo are pictured with members of the group who meet here each month to pray and share with one another their experience of contemplative living.  Recently they have been reading Judy Cannato’s  Radical Amazement available from Notre Dame, Sorin Books, 2006.DSCN1002

From the Land of Ice and Snow, all brown and white…


comes the colorful Sr. Catherine, bedecked in her handmade sweater and cap, undaunted by Minnesota cold.




Our chapel is anything but cold and colorless as the Sisters pass the peace with daily worshipers.



In a chapel scape of empty chairs Sr. Kate is content in her winter reading.





Thanksgiving is a theme for every day but how wonderful for our whole country to take one special day for all of us to celebrate together!  Paulina and Monica are talented cooks.  They also contribute their artistic talents in the Chapel.


Photos to Share


The Knights were here with an early Christmas gift.  Our good friends, Gene Drabec and Jim Haeg, representing the local branch of the Knights of Colombus, gifted the Community with a new TV.  Sisters, Anne, Helen and Margaret, are the delighted recipients.Knightstvweb1
